Category: Technical Articles
Getting Started with the IBM HMC
The command line interface allows you to automate tasks, which can make monitoring or even creating new LPARs easier. Although the Hardware Management Console GUI is a common way to manage Power Systems, I’ve found it worth getting familiar with the CLI. If you need to create a lot of new LPARs with their profiles…
Node.js v20 on IBM i
It is time to get back to Node.js on the IBM i. Node.js v20 is the latest version of this great programming language. Please note that Node.js v14 moved out of support from April 2023, so time for you all to upgrade, and what should you upgrade to? My recommendation is going to be Node.js…
A screen a story – IBM i Startup Program QSTRUPPGM?
Although it is possible not to use a Start-up program, finding a customer who does not use one, is like finding a needle in a haystack. Please allow me to use another expression which, when finishing reading this article makes sense for you: “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. All of a sudden, after…
Language Comparisons Continued …
In my previous article, I explored a range of functions and delved into how syntax varies across different programming languages. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, I highly recommend giving it a read. You can find the article right here. As a quick reminder, I’ll be showcasing a variety…
Language Comparison’s
As the landscape of programming continues to evolve, many of us IBM i developers find ourselves exploring a diverse array of languages beyond those with which we began our coding journey. As more and more of us get involved with different languages I thought it would be a good idea to give a guide to…
A screen a story – WRKACTJOB?
One of the commands used by every system administrator is WRKACTJOB. I think it if fair to say that this command is in their top 10 most often used commands. It might for some be the rock solid number one of all time. In order see what is happening on your system the command WRKACTJOB…
A screen a story – the system value QSECURITY
You may wonder what the screen below has to do with the system value QSECURITY. A change in this system value was part of the announcement of IBM i 7.5, which had a strong focus on security. Level 20 is no longer supported and a new system is shipped with level 40. Setting your system…
Generating PDFs
Those of you that took a look at my updating of open source packages on IBM i, will know that I have always been one for recommending the conversions of Spool files to PDFs when ever possible. My open source updating article can be found here This article created a spool file of all…
A screen a story – Sometimes a question mark is not enough
By now you must be getting used to seeing a new version of IBM i Access Client Solutions (ACS) every time a new Technology Refresh (TR) is released – you are keeping your ptf’s up to date aren’t you?! In the official announcement letter we can read what is new for ACS, but most people…
RPG Data-Gen Operational Code
Looking back at when I first started writing articles for nine years ago, I was bought onboard to cover RPG articles. Looking back over the last few years I have failed miserably in this task and maybe got too carried away in the ‘open-source’ frenzy. In this anniversary month for the IBM i we…
Eclipse AI Chat Integration
My good friends at Remain Software have just released an AI chat integration feature for Eclipse and Rational Developer for i . According to their website, ‘This tool leverages the power of AI to provide contextual suggestions, code snippets, bug checking and documentation proposals. Empowering you to write code faster and more efficiently.’ Yes, it…
A screen a story – A User Reporting Slow ODBC Performance
In my last article I wrote: “IBM i Services allows a modern system administrator to move away from having to use 5250 emulation, not because you should, but because using IBM i services is quicker in getting the job done. In my next episode of a screen a story I am going to demonstrate that…