Informing the IBM Community

Author: Andy Youens

  • Eclipse AI Chat Integration

    My good friends at Remain Software have just released an AI chat integration feature for Eclipse and Rational Developer for i . According to their website, ‘This tool leverages the power of AI to provide contextual suggestions, code snippets, bug checking and documentation proposals.  Empowering you to write code faster and more efficiently.’ Yes, it…

  • Environment Variables

    The IBM i operating system is highly dependent on environmental variables, which can have a significant impact on its performance. In this article, we will dive into the various environmental variables and their effects on the IBM i. What are environment variables? Let me start at the beginning, what are environment variables? Environment variables allow…

  • DB2 for i Multisystem

    In this article I will be taking a look at a feature we should all be installing, and using, on our IBM i servers. As I mentioned in a recent article I wrote on the advance job scheduler (which can be found here), IBM announced in May 2022 that half a dozen previously chargeable licensed…

  • Node-RED & Security

    I gave a quick demonstration of Node-RED to a client recently and I didn’t get the response I was expecting. On bringing up the Node-RED browser interface, the first question I got asked was why doesn’t Node-RED use a TLS (Transport Layer Security), or SSL (Secure Socket Layer), connection to the server. Great question, I’m…

  • Node-RED & Bank Holidays

    In a recent training course I gave to a UK bank, we were covering web-services and I showed how we can get information from a reliable source and then store it in our database.  They informed me that they still manually input UK Bank Holidays into a table.  This was a task that they had…

  • Node-RED & IBM i

    In my last article I wrote about the hoops we had to jump through to get the DB2 for i Node-RED adapter installed. In this article, we will be taking a look at how we use that adapter and also how we can run IBM i commands from within our Node-RED flows.  All very useful.…

  • Node-RED & DB2 for i Connector

    I know I said in my last article that was the end of my little project on the Raspberry Pi with Machine Learning talking to the IBM i.  Well since my last piece I have found how to correct a couple of the moans I had with Node-RED on the IBM i. My last article…

  • Raspberry Pi and Machine Learning

    In my last article, I demonstrated how I used Machine Learning on the Raspberry Pi to determine if a photograph contained a bird.  This article can be found at if you missed it. In this follow-up article, we will be using the Raspberry Pi to send details to our IBM I server to inform…

  • Raspberry Pi and Machine Learning

    In this follow on from my last PowerWire article on ActiveMQ, we will be using a Raspberry Pi, with Machine Learning, to take photos of birds feeding in our garden. This part of the series will focus on the ML segment to take a photograph and let machine learning decide what is in it.  After…

  • ActiveMQ

    I’ve got a little home project that I’ve been looking at for a while.  In this article, I’ll prepare our IBM i for that project. It will involve some IoT devices sending data to the IBM i. To receive that information the IBM i, will be using the Open Source package ActiveMQ. What is ActiveMQ?…

  • An Advanced Job Scheduler

    In this article, I’ll be going back to good old green screen, well for some parts of this article! Nested in the IBM i 7.5 OS announcements made by IBM in May 2022, was the statement that half a dozen or so licensed programs will now be included within the cost of the OS.  Great…

  • An Ansible Environment Setup

    Firstly, thank-you to all those who attended my Ansible workshop and presentation of Visual Studio Code at the i-UG conference at Northampton in June.  It was great to be back presenting and meeting up with friends. This article is related to this event. The Power servers for the event, were kindly provided by Rowton IT…