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Posts by Category

PowerWire reaches a new milestone today, with our 600th article post, solidifying our position as a leading source of IBM Power information.

Firstly, we must say a huge thank-you to all the authors that have provided such a high class of articles on so many fascinating topics.

These articles take time and effort, and the only reward is our readers gratefulness and the knowledge that the IBM Power Systems are in safer more knowledgeable hands.

I am sure that these hints, tips and wizardry have helped us all at some time or another. Without these excellent articles we would have no PowerWire.

Without a readership eager to learn, we would not be able to attract the advertisers that help pay for the upkeep of PowerWire.  So thanks all round and enjoy article 600!

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Catch Up with these New Articles this Month!

Latest Comments

  1. Just where do you find the time and the inclination 😀 great detour… 👍👍

  2. Congratulations to the PowerWire team for keeping up a consistent and positive presence for the IBM Power community!

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