Informing the IBM Community

Author: Andy Youens

  • A NodeJS Website on IBM i – Final Version

     This article continues with my Node.js Express website on IBM i theme. Here we will ensure our ‘add a new employee’ functionality is in the same format as the update and delete functions by displaying a pop-up modal window to allow the user to input new employee details. We have finally got there! The stages…

  • A NodeJS Website on IBM i – Updating Records

    Continuing with my Node.js Express website on IBM i theme, in this article I’ll show you how easy it is to update employee records from our database. Building on the previous article, on how to delete records, we will use the same structure to update, by using a popup window to allow the user to…

  • A NodeJS Website on IBM i – Deleting Records

    Continuing with my Node.js Express website on IBM i series, in this article I’ll show you how easy it is to delete employee records from our database. In this article, we will develop some quick scripts to remove these records.  Once again, it really is very simple in node. The stages we need to go…

  • A NodeJS Website on IBM i – Adding Records

    Continuing with my Node.js Express website on IBM i series, in this article I’ll show you how easy it is to add new records to our database. In this article, we will develop some quick scripts to add these records.  It really is very simple in node. As we know now, the first step to…

  • A NodeJS Website on IBM i – Restricted Access

    In the previous article we displayed, in a browser window, all the employees in our company.  Probably not something you would wish to make public to the whole company! Program Flow So, how can we restrict access to the employee web page? Our flow will be: Show the login page. If a valid IBM i…

  • A NodeJS Website on IBM i – Database Access

    Continuing my Node.js website on IBM i, in this article I’ll show you how we can access a file/table and display the results on a web page all neatly formatted. We will take our employee table, do some record selection and sort for a certain order. Before we access our database, we need to prepare…

  • A NodeJS Website on IBM i – The Secure Version

    Now we have our basic Node.js website up and running, let me show you how easy it is to make it a secure site.  By secure, I mean making the transport layer secure, ensuring the site uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to ensure all communications between the client and the server are secured. My previous…

  • A NodeJS Website on IBM i

    In this article I’ll show you how easy it is to get a web-site up and running on the IBM i. No need to be an Apache expert! Once we have this up and running, we will enhance it over the next couple of Powerwire articles. This will include making the site secure using HTTPS,…

  • VS Code – An OSS IDE

    In my previous articles on IBM i Open Source, I’ve briefly mentioned Microsoft Visual Studio Code.  So, in this article, let me show you what it’s all about. What options do we have for editing our source/applications that reside on our IFS? IBMs RDi (Eclipse based) Zend Studio (Eclipse based) Notepad ++ 5250 EDTF (Suppose…

  • Node Project – iDash

    In this article I will take you through part of my Node.js workshop that I presented at the UK International i Power conference in June 2019. The workshop was called ‘From Zero to Production with Node.js’. I hope those that attended enjoyed the workshop and found it beneficial. I also included a brief introduction into…

  • Programmers Comments

    This is a light hearted article this month while I prepare for my Node.js on IBM i workshop at the UK International i Power conference 2019. Over the 40 odd years I have been programming, I’ve come across some fantastic comments in source code.  They certainly make code maintenance a lot more enjoyable. These are…

  • Use the Beaver!

    Use the Beaver! In this article I will show you how we can use beneficial plugins to enhance our RDi environment. If you find the Run SQL Scripts limited in its functionality, not being able to prompt SQL statements, no auto-complete etc, then the Beaver may be for you! DBeaver is free and open source…