Informing the IBM Community

Author: Andy Youens

  • IBM Champion Tweets

    As you will hopefully know, in my last few arcticles for PowerWire, I have been writing about retreiving tweets and storing them in a SQLite database on the IBM i. I have a scheduled job on my IBM i that finds the tweets that have the hash tag #IBMChampion. Now we have a few weeks…

  • SQLite and a Node API

    my previous article, we went through how easy it was to call a Twitter API, searching for a string and storing that tweet in a SQLite database stored on the IBM i using Node.js. Before we get around to analysing the records we have stored over the last month or so, we need a method…

  • SQLite – Store Tweets

    In my previous article, I revealed how easy it is to use an open source database called SQLite on our IBM i server. If you need a refresher, that article can be found on the link here. In this article, I’ll show you all how easy it is to use this lightweight database.  Including it…

  • SQLite – What is that?

    In this article, I’m going to show you another database option we now have on our IBM i. All these choices!  Little did we think we would have any alternative for a database, we expected only to have the excellent DB2 for i. So, what is it? SQLite is a serverless database, self-contained and is…

  • Man – Where’s that Manual Gone?

    IBM has released quite a few big hitters lately, MariaDB etc., and some of the not so well known utilites have slipped under the cover.  Let me take you through one of them in this article. This great utility stops you being told to RTFM (Read the manual)! So this is where this open source…

  • RSync – Better than Copy (CP)

    In this article, I’ll be taking a look at an open-source utility that doesn’t get as much credit as I feel it should. If you have followed my open-source articles here and at the i-UG user group meetings, you will often have to copy files from one IFS directory to another. Yes you can use…

  • Hello Maria!

    Hello Maria! – I can’t say that without sounding like Leslie Philips – showing my age again! One of the cutting-edge recent additions from IBM for their Open Source offerings is Maria DB. In my opinion, this is a great addition, and will open the IBM i to even more applications than are readily available…

  • Bye Bye NodeVer!

    Bye Bye NodeVer!

    For those of us using Node.js on our IBM i, you are probably aware of an Open Source utility, provided by IBM, called NodeVer (Is that Node Ver? or is it Nod Ever?, I’ll leave it with you to call it whatever you like!). NodeVer was a great utility allowing you to have more than…

  • Keep My NodeJS App Running!

    In my previous article, we created a quick weather app running on our favourite server. In this article, I will show you how we can ensure this application is always up and running, and if it’s not running, get it to automatically restart.Node applications are different to say, PHP applications, where we have the Apache…

  • A Weather App on IBM i

    Back to Node.js on IBM i for this one! In this article, we will be creating a quick weather app running on our favourite server. Once we have this up and running, in the next couple of articles we will be enhancing it to integrate with our existing applications already running on the IBM i.…

  • Windows Terminal & IBM i

    Still continuing my theme of having a break from Node.js. This time we are looking at the new Microsoft Windows Terminal, also known as WT. And what a great product it is. We will be taking a look at how to use the new Microsoft Windows Terminal to automatically connect to the IBM i for…

  • DB2 for i – Services

    This month we are going to have a break from node.js – I can hear the cheers from here! This time we are going to look at my favourite DB2 for i services. So, good place to start, what are DB2 services? They are SQL views, procedures and functions that give us access to system…