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Posts by Category

September 2024

Welcome to the September edition of PowerWire! Can you believe how quickly this year is flying by?

A big thank you to everyone who participated in our job titles survey! This month, we need your help again. Let us know where you’re reading PowerWire from by completing the survey below. Your input is invaluable to us!

We have some important news regarding our domain name. Due to the requirement for a European address for (thanks, Brexit!), we will be transitioning to a new domain.

Stay tuned for more updates in the coming months.

Thank you for being a part of our community. Your feedback and support help us grow and improve. Don’t forget to complete the survey and stay tuned for more exciting updates!

Celebrating DB2 for i Anniversary

We start off with another anniversary. This time it is DB2 for i. We have to thank Kent Milligan from IBM for reminding us of this significant anniversary. Who knew we had a database with no name, and now it is right up there with the best of them. Keep the anniversaries coming, IBM!

Accessing Data from DB2 for i

Our second article of the month comes from our editor once again, Andy Youens. To follow on from last month’s article where he accessed data from SQLite, this time he will access customer data from a DB for i table.  This example can easily be modified to access your own data.

i-UG Next Event

Look out for the opening for registration for the i-UG Conference Midlands in November 2024. The link can be found below, and see you there!

i-UG Event Registration

Our Latest Survey

Over the last two months, we have held a survey on your job titles, to get a better understanding of our readers, which showed what a diverse audience you are, and we are proud to reach all parts of the community.

This time we would like to know where you are reading PowerWire from.

Location Survey
Where are you reading PowerWire from today?

Choose the continent you are on … *

Catch Up with these New Articles this Month!

Latest Comments

  1. Thanks for your comments Harry. To get the server to run in QUSRWRK, just submit the job to use job…

  2. Thank you for this helpful Tutorial!! One Question left: when i start postgres submitting to Batch it will run in…

We would like to offer all our customers an amazing buy one, get one free (BOGOF) offer on any advertising this tax year.  

Take up an advert with us and we will double the length of the run and place it in both the newsletter and the website.

So come on, why not take a chance, these rates will not be offered again. We would love to hear from you with any bespoke ideas you have, Test us out, that’s all we ask.

Media Pack

Help us to serve the community, by adding your event here.

16 September 2024